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Seven Dimensions of Thought
A quest for the origins of the universe,
life and the source of thought itself, that
is beyond the human brain.

 Main Chapters:
* Blueprints of Creation.
* An Animating Consciousness.
* Seven Phases of Light and Darkness.
* Origins of Life, Intelligence, and Their Purpose 
* The Beginning of All Beginnings
Seven Dimensions of Thought
“ I was set up from everlasting,
from the beginning,
or ever the earth was”

(Proverbs 8:23 KJV)

"Seven Dimensions of Thought” 

Is it possible for nothingness to evolve into something?

What enigmatic force guides the expansion of space, the contraction of matter, and the transformation of their ceaseless motion into emotion?

What empowers light to dispel timeless darkness, sound to shatter eternal cosmic quietness, and changes their interplay into a living soul?

What imbues consciousness, intent, and significance into the human body and mind?

What fortuitous occurrence transformed chaos into an everlasting self-developing order, leading to a sentient being that inquires, hesitates, yet seeks knowledge of its origin?

Can raw matter and chaotic energy bursts give rise to life, or do these phenomena possess unique traits enabling them to progress into a realm of life, intelligence, and purpose?

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